Gifting that gives back: Our 2023 sustainability impact report
From planting trees to gifting it forward to charity, you helped us make an impact last year with gifts that give back.
As the first and only carbon regenerative, sustainable gifting platform, giving back to our planet and people is central to our work.
As we continue to evolve, we look for ways to increase our impact. Last year, we joined Pledge 1%, a global movement that’s helping companies and employees find new ways to impact the world positively.
In 2023, we increased the difference we’ve made thanks to our customers, partners, and employees.
Download the full 2023 Impact Report to see everything we collectively accomplished last year. 👇
Giving back to our planet
Through our partnership with Dollar Donation Club, you helped us give back to the environment in big ways over the past year. To date, you’ve helped:
- Plant 618K+ trees
- Sequester 48.6M+ pounds of carbon
- Remove 175K+ pounds of ocean-bound plastic
- Remove 58K+ pounds of plastic from the ocean
Each tree planted through Trees for the Future not only helps sequester carbon but is used to help protect forest gardens. These forest gardens are nurtured through a program that trains farmers in Africa on sustainable land use to grow vibrant economies, thriving food systems, and a healthier planet. Not only are they able to feed their communities year-round with their harvest, but it’s helping raise people out of poverty.
Sources say that the plastic pollution threat is almost equivalent to climate change. 80% of the plastic in our ocean comes from roughly 1,600 polluted rivers worldwide, and Plastic Fisher is on a mission to change that with their TrashBooms. TrashBooms are developed with their 3L philosophy: local, low-tech, and low-cost, which makes it easier for communities to maintain these systems. It also helps ensure each dollar gifted forward through our platform makes the maximum impact when removing ocean-bound plastic.
Like plastics found in rivers, plastic in oceans harms our environment. Each year, abandoned fishing gear plastic is responsible for killing 650,000 marine animals, destroying coral reefs, and breaking down into harmful microplastics that affect ocean ecosystems. This is where Ocean Voyages Institute steps in. In 2020, they broke the world record for the world's largest mid-ocean plastic clean-ups by removing 340,000 pounds of ghost net plastic. This year, they aim to remove at least 1 million pounds of plastic before hurricane season impacts their operations.
Giving back to our communities
You’ve also helped give back to our communities by supporting the small businesses in our platform and offering the ability for recipients to gift-it-forward. To date, you’ve:
- Supported 1,120+independent makers, creators, and artisans
- Donated more than $2.1M to charity
By supporting small businesses, you’re helping support our local and global economies, which is crucial during economic recessions. These businesses employ millions of people and are more likely to give back to their communities. Plus, several of the independent makers we partner with also focus on sustainable business practices, helping extend the impact of each gift.
To reduce waste generated in corporate gifting, we allow recipients to opt-in to receive a gift. Sometimes this comes in the form of donating their gift to a cause they’re passionate about. Through our gift-it-forward capabilities, your recipients have donated to support nonprofits focusing on bettering our local, national, and global communities through research and by supplying life-changing resources.
That's a wrap on 2023
2023 was an impactful year, and we can’t wait to see what we do together in 2024. We’ve put our sustainability initiatives at the forefront as a way to invite our customers and ecosystem to support a business focused on giving back, a concept known as Invitational Commerce.
Thank you for using Loop & Tie to spread gratitude, celebrate accomplishments, and connect with one another. If you’re ready to send a gift that makes a difference in more ways than one, send a gift today.